The auditors’ assignment includes performing audits, in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and the Swedish Companies Act, of Railcare Group AB and its Swedish subsidiaries’ accounts and annual financial statements, as well as of the administration by the Board of Directors and CEO of the company, serving to provide the auditors with the documentation on which to base their Audit Report to the Annual General Meeting.
The auditors meet the Audit Committee on an ongoing basis during the financial year and meet with the Board of Directors once a year to report their observations.
At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, authorised firm of auditors Ernst & Young AB was appointed as the company’s auditor for the period extending until the close of the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Ernst & Young AB has appointed authorised public accountant Micael Engström as the principal auditor.
Micael Engström

Partner/Head of national division at EY
Email: Micael.engstrom@se.ey.com
P.O. Box 236, SE-931 22 Skellefteå, Sweden
Other assignments: Max Burgers, Sparbanken Nord, Skellefteå Kraft, Arla Foods.